Dave Lavigne- Founder, Senior Analyst
- Born and raised in North Idaho's "Silver Valley" one of the world's most prolific silver mining districts. (That may explain why as a microcap "generalist", I still have an affinity for resources stories).
- 1984. Graduated from the University of Idaho College of Business with a Bachelors of Science -Institutional Finance.
- 1984 thru 2001. Worked for a handful of small regional broker dealers where I did a variety of things: managed branches, built compliance protocols, developed asset allocation systems, national sales manager, CEO (worst job I've ever had) and...managed, provided research for and in one case started the research department(s) of those enterprises.
- 2002-2009. Founder and manager of EdgeWater Research Partners LLC: one of the first (that we know of) subscription based microcap research and conferencing companies.
- 2009-2015 co-founded and co-managed Accredited Members, Inc., which was a (bigger) extension of the EdgeWater model but also included private startup companies.
- 2015-2016- co-founder and co-manager of Touch 4 Partners LLC a small private equity group.
- Late 2016 - Present. Founder and Analyst Trickle Research LLC.